Evil Kat Comixs and CoD Fight Child Hunger
Hello! While prepping for the upcoming season there hasn't been much content around these parts. Well, to be honest, almost none. But I am taking a break from the break to boast about some amazing people who are doing an amazing thing.
Most people who know me personally know that the need to feed kids is very close to my heart. It kills to know that right now, as I type this, there is a kid who is struggling with hunger. IN THIS COUNTRY! There really is no excuse that when school ends for the summer a kid will lose their opportunity to eat at least two of the three meals a day. I get emotional every time I think about it. But there are unbelievably awesome people who stand up and take charge.
Neill and the people from Evil Kat Comix reached out to me a few weeks ago with a very generous idea. They are selling some badass cool-looking enamel pins and 20% of the proceeds go to the foundation No Kid Hungry. It is one of my favorite charities because not only do they serve to fight for those who can't help their situation but the money goes right where it should. After the first 200 are sold, Evil Kat Comix will continue to give after the sale! Wow! Can't tell you how impressed I am with these guys.

I will personally be matching the donation they are giving to No Kids Hungry. See the press release below for more details.
So a gigantic thanks to Evil Kat Comixs for you awesome art, comics and huge heart. In a world that seems so cold, there are true heroes who show compassion and that my friends, is what it is all about.
You can get this rad pin at their site, evilkatcomix.com. Pick one up and know you are part of something great.
If you are interested in how to end child hunger even further, checkout nokidhungry.org.
Thanks guys! Much love.
Evil Kat Comix Helps Fight Childhood Hunger with Pin Sale Campaign Donation to No Kid Hungry
Berlin NJ 6/30/2017- Evil Kat Comix a small press comic book publisher, and voice against childhood hunger is giving back to the community with a pin sale campaign resulting in a donation to No Kid Hungry
Evil Kat Comix is selling enamel pins based on their logo, and donating a 20% portion of their sales of the first 100 pins, and 10% of pin sales thereafter, to help in the fight against childhood hunger. The intitial donation, which would amount to 200 dollars, can help feed up to 2000 children in need. The ongoing donations will help to continue the good works of No Kid Hungry. The Pin Sale is scheduled to begin on 7/5/2017
"We are beyond excited to be able to help feed hungry children. We, as a company and personally, want to be able to give back into the community and get behind a cause that we all believe in. We may be a new company, but that doesn't lessen our responsibility to help when we can. We may write about heroes but we understand that the children who have to struggle against hunger in addition to all of the challenges of school and growing to reach their full potential, are truly heroic. Hopefully we can help the heroes at No Kid Hungry to make that less of a struggle in some way." - Neill Hiltebrand co-publisher
The pins will be available for purchase through the online store at WWW.EVILKATCOMIX.COM beginning on July, 5 2017