Horror Hosting: Count Scary!
From now through the beginning of October I am starting a new series highlighting some of the greatest horror hosts and personalities on television, cinema and the web. Some will be the great icons we all know and love and some will be a few local people from years past. They are all amazing and deserve their time in the moonlight. The series will be mostly videos of my ugly mug yapping about how much they mean to me accompanied with some of their clips. If you have any ones you know, pass them along to me and I will try to include them.

Today I am giving the spotlight to a character who is well known to Michigan (more specifically Detroit) back in the early to late eighties. Played by the great DJ, Tom Ryan, in the era of Detroit Rock City, Count Scary was an amazing host for the late night horror movies on channel 4 WDIV. He was a sassy vampire who had famous one liners like "Ooooh! That's Scary!" and "You stupid jerk!" and would always warn viewers to wear extra pants because the film would scare them straight off. He was such a hit he became a regular fix for the station with hilarious episodes like running for Governor of the state and even President. This was when TV was great but eventually WDIV was bought by the Fox Network and amazing things like "Shocktober" and Count Scary were no longer in the lineup.
I just recently was made aware of the great Count Scary from a random YouTube rabbit hole dive and have been fascinated ever since. In fact, he was the reason for this series I am hosting all this week. Not enough words can do Count Scary Justice. He is an icon and something we all need in our lives. Check out the Facebook page and give it a follow. I did!
Here is a video of me hosting a show about a host of a show. Enjoy this series! We have lots more ahead!